Hey Everyone, The weather here in New York has been… confusing, to say the least! But whether the temps feel like it or not, spring is upon us: and that means SPRING CLEANING! Has your closet grown beyond its capacity over the years? Made some questionable...
Hey Everyone, I strongly suggest you stop everything you’re doing, immediately watch this riveting interview with Dr. Mimi Winsberg, and then run (don’t walk) to your nearest bookstore and buy her book. Dr. Winsberg was formerly Facebook’s in-house psychiatrist, and...
Hey Everyone, Have you checked out the Style My Profile YouTube page lately? It’s got all my past interviews on all kinds of topics. They are a fantastic resource for online daters, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned dater. Chock full of information and...
Hey Everyone, Need a brand new profile, ASAP? You may have read or heard me talk about my new profile offering Profile In A Day. Well… I have one spot left for our March 25th session! You can arrive with no existing profile, and by the end of the day walk...
Hey Everyone, Men: unsure of what to wear on dates? Or, even more generally, what to buy to look stylish, timeless, and totally put together? My advice: keep it SIMPLE. As promised after last week’s list for all the women out there, here’s my list of...
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