I wrote a guest blog this week for my amazing friend Jackie Pilossoph over at Divorced Girl Smiling. If you’re a divorced woman looking for all the divorce resources you could want—articles, trusted professionals, consultations, you name it—look no further....
I hope you’ve been practicing your flirting, because as promised, this week I’m sending you great events for meeting singles IRL in 6 major U.S. cities. I’ve talked before about my love of using Eventbrite as a tool for finding singles events. As...
Ready for a shocking statement? Flirting is easy. WHAT?!?!?!?!? Then why have there been years worth of magazine articles and books published on how to flirt? Why does a friend nudging you and saying “go over there and flirt with him!” immediately...
If you’ve just joined the Style My Profile Community in the last few weeks — welcome!! I hope you’ve been learning some helpful things from our last several blogs (I’ll link them down below if you missed them). I’m so, so excited about our...
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