Where To Meet Singles In YOUR City

Where To Meet Singles In YOUR City

I hope you’ve been ​practicing your flirting​, because as promised, this week I’m sending you great events for meeting singles IRL in 6 major U.S. cities. I’ve talked before about my ​love of using Eventbrite as a tool​ for finding singles events. As...
How To Flirt Like Austin Butler

How To Flirt Like Austin Butler

Ready for a shocking statement? Flirting is easy. WHAT?!?!?!?!? Then why have there been years worth of magazine articles and books published on how to flirt? Why does a friend nudging you and saying “go over there and flirt with him!” immediately...
Empowerment Starts Here

Empowerment Starts Here

If you’ve just joined the Style My Profile Community in the last few weeks — welcome!! I hope you’ve been learning some helpful things from our last several blogs (I’ll link them down below if you missed them). I’m so, so excited about our...