Empowerment Starts Here

If you’ve just joined the Style My Profile Community in the last few weeks — welcome!! I hope you’ve been learning some helpful things from our last several blogs (I’ll link them down below if you missed them). I’m so, so excited about our lineup for the next few weeks as well…. We’re going to be digging into even more ideas for ways to meet people IRL, plus actual, practical tips on how to up your flirting game. Stay tuned 😎
In the meantime, I wanted to devote this week’s post to quickly introduce you to my (women only) Facebook Group: Empowered Women Moving Forward!
It’s the best way for me to interact directly with YOU — to hear your stories, share advice in the comments or in DMs, and have a whole tribe of women in the same boat rooting for you. Not sure your Bumble bio is up to snuff? Post it in the group for feedback. Have first date jitters? We’ve got a guide covering what to do.
This is an invite only, highly vetted group for single women who are online dating and is a confidential space for you to ask me ANYTHING!
I share a whole host of tips and advice through posts, guides, tips, polls, and going live. The group is a super interactive way for you to ask me questions and feel a sense of community and support among other women who are online dating. You’ll also get a free checklist detailing exactly what you need to make sure to have on your online dating profile in order to set yourself up for success on the apps.
Click this link to request to join— I hope to see you there!
Happy Dating!
P.S. Don’t forget, you can also book a complimentary call with me directly to chat about the one-on-one services I offer as well!

The One and Only DIY Profile Kit
Designed for getting your profile Swipe-Right ready in as little time as possible. With the DIY Profile Kit, you’ll learn to avoid the most common pitfalls that make for an undesirable profile while building a winning profile that attracts individuals who match your lifestyle and standards.

Purchase our DIY Profile Kit, designed for getting your profile swipe-right ready in as little time as possible.


Purchase our DIY Profile Kit, designed for getting your profile swipe-right ready in as little time as possible.