I bet every single one of you has had this exact experience…
You’re messaging with a new match, you’re bantering a little, you’re asking some questions to get to know them.
They answer everything you ask! They seem interesting! And then you realize… wait, they’re not asking ME any questions in return.
What the heck?!? How do I get my match to ask ME questions?!
Now, if someone is giving you one-word answers, that’s a sign right there to move on and find yourself someone who knows how to string a couple sentences together.
But if they seem like they might be worth your time, and they just need a liiiiiittle nudge in the right conversational direction, here are some real-life ways women in my Meet Your Match Group Coaching sessions have (very politely) requested that their matches make sure to ask questions back.
(Thank you to my group session ladies for this conversation and these wonderful answers!)
1) “Ok, I’ve bombarded you with questions – it’s your turn now! What do you wanna know?”
2) “Let’s play a game – I ask you three questions and you answer them, and then you ask me three questions.”
3) “It’s so great getting to know you! If you ask me questions too, it’ll keep our back and forth volley going.”
And don’t forget, after a few good back and forths — just ask them out 😎
Happy Dating!
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