The 15 Essential Pieces Every Guy Must Own

Hey Everyone,
Men: unsure of what to wear on dates? Or, even more generally, what to buy to look stylish, timeless, and totally put together? My advice: keep it SIMPLE. As promised after last week’s list for all the women out there, here’s my list of the 15 Essential Pieces Every Guy Must Own.
This link has my curated list of 3 options for each of the 15 Essentials at 3 different price points. I know how daunting shopping can be (especially for men!), so this guide takes away the stress of where to shop, when to shop, and what to even shop for — it’s all right here!
Happy shopping 🙂
Need more dating inspiration, anecdotes, and practical advice?
Purchase my book The Art of Online Dating here!

15 Essentials for Women
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list
15 Essentials for Men
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Man Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list

15 Essentials for Women
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list
15 Essentials for Men
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Man Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list