The 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Must Own

Hey Everyone,
As a stylist, I’m here to tell you that you can do a LOT with a little in terms of what’s in your closet. But how do you know what the absolute must-haves are, and where you should go to find them?
I’ve taken out all the guesswork for you.
I’m gifting you my list of the 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Must Own — if these pieces were all you had in your closet, you’d be able to create dozens of polished work-, weekend-, and date-ready looks. And here’s the best part: I’ve compiled a list of 3 options for each piece at 3 different price points—high end, middle of the road, and budget—so rather than running to 15 different stores in Soho and trying to keep track of which style of black blazer you liked best, you’ve got your own curated store of 135 options right here at your fingertips.
Happy shopping,
p.s. Men, I’ve got you covered too — your 15 Essentials will be in next week’s newsletter!
Need more dating inspiration, anecdotes, and practical advice?
Purchase my book The Art of Online Dating here!

15 Essentials for Women
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list
15 Essentials for Men
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Man Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list

15 Essentials for Women
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Woman Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list
15 Essentials for Men
My guide to the 15 Essential Pieces Every Man Should Own, plus an extensive shopping list